Lat Pull Down - S926
Lat Pull Down
SportsArt's lat machine is a product you can use to perform exercises similar to pull-ups, but with less load than your full body weight. Depending on how you arrange your torso and hands, you can choose different trajectories that stimulate the muscles of your arms or your lats.
- Ergonomically curved bar provides wide or narrow grip options
- Gas-assisted seat adjustment and adjustable thigh pads accommodate users of different sizes
- Incremental 3.3 & 6.6 lb (1.5 & 3 kg) micro-loading adjustment
- Cold rolled steel weight stacks with noise dampening
- Stainless steel guide rods resist rust and stay smooth
- Kevlar belts for quiet, smooth action and optimal tensile strength; belt contains 2200 lb (998 kg) tensile strength aircraft cables
- Marine-grade double stitched upholstery
- Heavy-duty European-styled cushions
- Weight: 481 lb / 218.6 kg
- Dimensions: 48.4 x 39.8 x 86.2 in 123 x 101 x 219 cm
- Weight Stack: 220 lb / 100 kg
- User Weight: 500 lbs / 227 kg
- Starting Weight: 15.4 lbs / 7 kg
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